Looking for a Local Senior photographer in Girdwood?

Local Senior photographer Michael Dinneen is known for creating timeless, personality-driven senior photos that have great candid expressions, flattering poses and stunning use of natural light.


Senior Portrait Photographer Anchorage Alaska
Local Senior Photographer Girdwood, Alaska


It may be your first solo portrait session, and the last portrait before leaving home on your own adventures. Capture images that appeal to your interests and style to display for years to come. The cap & gown are essential, but nobody wants the boring cookie cutter photos that everyone else has – get the stunning epic impact photos you want now!

As your senior portrait photographer, Michael Dinneen strives to make every shoot an unforgettable experience that translates into memorable photos you will be proud to share for a lifetime.

Bring your enthusiasm, your personality, your ever-growing confidence and let’s make compelling senior portraits in a setting that brings it all together.


Contact Michael Dinneen Photography



Anchorage Senior Photos by Dinneen Photography
Anchorage Senior Photos by Dinneen Photography


Professional Anchorage Senior Photographer

Bold, playful images, attention to detail & focus on client experience makes Michael Dinneen Photography the right choice.


High School Senior Pictures Photography in Anchorage Alaska
High School Senior Pictures Photography in Anchorage Alaska

Anchorage’s Premier Senior Portrait Experience


See Senior Portrait Gallery |  See High School Senior Packages  |  Contact Michael Dinneen Photography